Shawn BComment

A Day In BK

Shawn BComment
A Day In BK

Autumn Sunday's are great, especially when you have a mission at hand. I joined my cousin Shanny (who also shot all the pics) for her final wedding dress fitting. We went to Brooklyn for the occasion and I dressed for a mid Fall day. 

The weather was peacoat approps but the piece in this outfit I loved the most had to be the Forever 21 maroon hat. It's so aesthetically me and so on brand I just love it. And it was a steal at only 19$ I believe. 

The Details: Maroon Hat: Forever 21/ Coat: Labelless/ Hoodie: Old Navy/ Shirt: Thrifted/ Pants: H&M/ Sneakers: Vans


All picture credit goes to Shanny and for once not my tripod haha. Later Dayz!