City Slicker
Recently I partnered up with Olivia S. from Hunter College do a profile on me and this website. I'm very excited for the actual video to come out and post it to here for all to see. The day we shot the footage I wore different looks to show how shoots, and different looks work on the site. The look below is one of them. The look is back to my preppy roots with styling coming from my years at J.Crew. I like to believe the 4 years I spent there taught me a bunch on how to be the new age preppy cool kid, of course it wouldn't be me if I didn't through in some of my own flare though...
The Details: Sweater- My Fathers resewn by me with letters/ Tweed Blazer- Thrifted/ Hat-Urban Outfitters/ Sneakers- Adidas/ Shirt-Brooks Brothers/
Shot by my favortie street photog Emily C.
Shawn B