What's Eating You?
So, Spring has sprung (YAY) and all those very real seasonal depression symptoms can start to ease away. Unfortunately, they don’t go away without a fight. Whether or not it’s seasonal depression or real depression, these are very real things to be going through. I write this op-ed to not give out tips, but to seek them through my own personal experience. When you read this hopefully somebody can see themselves in me and build a kinship through healing.
On 3/19/19 I had an emotional day. What sucks about it is no one even knew. I pride myself on being open about my feelings mainly the expressive ones like happiness, and joy, and love, but when I’m at a low point only my closest will maybe be involved. Recently my health has taken a turn for the worst (new post about that coming!), and for some reason it really had me thrown on Tuesday. I normally take these things in strides, but Tuesday I just couldn’t get past my feelings. For the first time in my ADULT life, I was not sure about the person I saw in the mirror. My health has really taken a lot from me already and I just broke down. I can take on a lot regarding my health but my mind and now my body are seeing the fallout from it.
I knew that it might be time for me to take on myself. When I say “take on myself” I mean self-regulating and challenging myself to heal, by any means necessary. I took a 10 minute trip to the beach (convenient I know!), and let earth do her think. As Spring is the season of growth and regrowth, I wanted the sun to implant some of that in me. It also did hurt having at least 3 hardcore cries throughout the day. I took some shots while allowing myself to put my anxiety and inner drama on the shelf for bit. Check them out below and leave tips on how you traverse through these times where you’re not feeling your highest. Let’s create a group think for others to use our tips to migrate this space. We’re in this together folk….
Later Days
Dream a Little Dream of Me….
Shawn B